22 Reasons Why I Love Autumn


It’s the 22nd of September which means it is officially Autumn and here are 22 of my favorite things about this amazing season. autumn copy


1. I say Autumn because well…it sounds more elegant than Fall. I like to pretend I’m highbrow.

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2. I won’t say candy corn because I don’t like it, but I will say pumpkin! Pumpkin everything, except one thing.I might be the only person that doesn’t like the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Pumpkin food, pumpkin smells and pumpkin carving are three of my favorite things of the season.

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3. Caramel apples! This year I think I might try and make my own because I don’t find them often unless I’m at a fair.


4. The comfy and oversized sweaters that have been hidden away in the back of my closest will get a lot of use this season.

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5. Boots. Lots and lots of boots. My fake doc martens, military boots, and the other boots I still wore in the warmer months.

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6. Warm drinks. Hot chocolate, coffee, lattes, cider and many more that keep you comfy in the cold.


7. I would say a warm fire, but there isn’t a fireplace at my new apartment…I’ll have to make due with Netflix’s Fireplace For Your Home.

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8. Broth in any form. It is perfect to warm you up and to help with the cold or flu that comes along with the colder weather.

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9. Color. A whole lot of color. The changing leaves make everything so beautiful. That’s one of my favorite things living in the northwest because growing up in central California we had absolutely no changing of the seasons.

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10. Rain smells more fresh in Autumn. I just really love rain, especially being out in it.

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11. Of course, you can’t forget about Halloween. The free candy, the costumes, and this year it is going to be on a Friday!

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12. The crunch of leaves when you’re walking, though with all the rain, there is rarely any crunching noises. I also suggest that if you want to jump in a pile of leaves, where a onesie or a body suit because it is super itchy.

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13. Food in Autumn also seems to be more comforting. Everything seems more hearty and of course hot food warms you up.

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14. All of our favorite Autumn tv shows are back! We can enjoy some delicious food and hot chocolate while we watch Olivia Pope run Washington D.C.

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15. If you pay attention to it, which I don’t…It’s football season! Go team!

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16. New haircut for a new season.

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17. With Autumn beginning, it means cooler weather, but not too cold. So before it gets too cold there’s outdoor workouts or even just outdoor exploring.

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18. If you’re lucky enough to be in a relationship (still single, btw), it’s cuddle weather!

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19. Though I mentioned Halloween, ABC Family and 13 Nights of Halloween needs to be on it’s own. Hocus Pocus, Harry Potter, Beetlejuice and many more to prepare us for Halloween.

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20. Decorating for the season, including Halloween. I do love the season, but I think stores having decorations for sale at the beginning of August is too much.

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21. No more hot weather.

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22. Overall, Autumn is my favorite season and it needs to never end.